How to play galactic civilizations 3
How to play galactic civilizations 3

how to play galactic civilizations 3

Basically, get what you need right now and forget about the rest of it for the time being. After that, it boils down to a lot of plain old common sense– Do I need this now? Get it. I must tell you that the first part of the game is so important that it will take a while to explain it all. It really doesn’t matter which course you ultimately choose, the beginning is the crux of it all, and that is what I’m here to talk about. Each Victory condition has its own set of complications and nuances, but the decisions you make in the Early Game will make or break you. You can build massive fleets of ships to obliterate your opposition, choose to make Alliances and win in a perfectly peaceful way, Research Technology and win via intellectual means alone, or reach Ascendance. That is to say, if you fixate on some simple rules-of-play right from the get-go, you are almost guaranteed a win, no matter which Victory Condition you may choose. Winning can be achieved if you begin the game ‘correctly’. No matter how you feel about addiction of any kind, if you want to win GC3, I’m here to tell you how to do just that in this article. I don’t think I’ll be lying on my death bed complaining, “Gee, I wish I’d gotten better at Skyrim…”

how to play galactic civilizations 3

Is that an achievement? I’ll leave that for you to decide. The bottom line is that I know pretty much how this game works. I even saw a person who complained that after 100 or so hours of game time they just “couldn’t understand how to win.”.

how to play galactic civilizations 3

They complained that their understanding of the game was inadequate. Many people on the Steam GC3 forums have sounded like they were about to shed tears because they simply “didn’t get it” and “could not win”. Let me say right off that winning Galactic Civilizations 3 (GC3) is not necessarily child’s play. Don’t test me– I may throw a Part 3 your way… They allow me time to ramble on without actually saying anything.

how to play galactic civilizations 3

He, after all, is the sole reason for my space-faring 4X gaming addiction. I don’t normally speak ill of the dead, but I must blame this debilitating flaw of mine on the late, beloved Gene Roddenberry. I, for one, have fallen in love with the GalCiv gaming series. If you don’t know anything about the Stardock game, Galactic Civilizations III, then this post won’t help you in any way other than by possibly providing you with some form of entertainment.

How to play galactic civilizations 3